Changing a mindset. It is not something to be taken lightly. It is something that we choose to do. And that’s the key. The key is we must choose to want to do something. I call it the “want to”. So often we talk to ourselves, and we say “well, I would like to do this, or I would like to do that”. But true change comes in the form of a “want to”.
So, change can only happen with a change of mindset and how does a mindset happen? The mindset is something that is developed over time. That time can be short, or it can be long. In many cases, it is called a habit and developing habits can be very difficult.
At the beginning of each year, establish what we call resolutions. In other words, you say, “I am going to make a resolution to lose 30 pounds. But resolutions as we all know typically only lasts about three months at best so really the challenge is to make that resolution a lifelong habit. If you do this then your mindset changes then the mindset changes your life. So really the challenge is to figure out how to develop triggers to get that mindset to change. Triggers don’t have to be hard. They are really connections to habits you already have. For example, if you brush your teeth every morning, that’s a habit. How about you attach it trigger to that so every time you brush your teeth you do something immediately afterwards?
Well, life is a combination triggers and habits. Developing and creating these are important to the development of how we want to live our lives. Sometimes we have created habits that damage our body and soul and sometimes getting rid of these damaged habits can be very difficult to do. But that’s what must be done and so really, it’s a matter of flipping the switch and creating a new mindset that counters the habit that has been created.
What is a bad habit? Drinking too much can be a habit that we have. Certainly, many times we drink because we just enjoy it. We also drink because we’re in a social situation and everybody else is partaking and/or we have peer pressure. But whatever the reason, if you have the “want to” to reduce or stop drinking then you must create triggers and habits that supports this action. In other words, one of the actions that need is to stay out of situations where this occurs. The second thing is having a plan so when the feeling for a drink comes up, we have a trigger that discourages that action. Again, remember the mindset is what it’s going to determine the course of this habit development or not. Remember, we are trying to eliminate a habit that has already been developed. So, before the next time you are thinking about having a drink, have a trigger to utilize. The trigger might be every time you reach for or begin to order that alcoholic beverage, make it water or make it anything other than an alcoholic beverage and the trigger is the reaching for or the process of ordering. If you become resolute about this action, every time you think about it, you are on the way to solidifying a new habit.
The key is being resolute, and the second key is having the “want to”. You won’t be scared or feeble about the attempt if you are resolute! This means you are firm in your conviction. If you are firm your conviction, you are going to do this and whatever your bad habit is, you will have the trigger that will change the bad habit to a good habit. Just figure out a trigger much like we did earlier. This new trigger will become the answer to your “want to” and the start of the development of your new good positive habits. Let me know in the comments how this goes for you because the bottom line is we don’t want three-month resolutions we want a whole new life habit.
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Resource: Resource: Breaking-the-Habit
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