Cherish the Angels in Your Life

Please understand, your purpose is being conducted daily whether you understand it or not. Just by your actions, people see and respond to who you are and what you’re about. Now the key is to know yourself.

Life Challenges

We are born into this world with a purpose but not much direction. That will come with life experiences and education. We are not alone yet always striving to find a way to make it in a world that is confusing and contains multiple paths to find our way. In many ways, we do not realize the potential and impact we can make on others and the world. There are so many challenges that make the road to achievement much more difficult. These challenges sit squarely in front of us, sometimes apparent but many times come out of nowhere. The decisions we make in the face of these challenges will determine which path our lives will take.

The context of our life is always evolving, and we choose which way we will go depending upon those decisions. How we approach various challenges very often depends on to whom we listen. Those people may be very close to us or be distant. They may be people we have grown up with or people we pass on the sidewalk. The people who affect our lives can never be described accurately because every event that happens in our lives has an effect. It is the ability to be open to every event that is an indication of a possible message.

  • The little 5-year-old girl you passed in the grocery store. Did she remind you of your youth?
  • The 10-year-old boy smiled and said hello. Did he make you happy?
  • The middle-aged man sitting on the cold concrete. Did he show you how hard life can be?

Three examples of chance events. The meaning of each is something different for everyone. What would be your response to each?

Seeking Discovery or Chance

Are you looking for an Angel or just waiting for one to appear? If something you see or hear draws a reaction, then it is an Angel communicating with you. Taking a moment to relax and to understand the world around you are key.

Our circumstances in life very often will determine whether we are willing to accept help or to ignore certain levels of support. Much of this has to do with what we think of angels and what they represent in our life. If you are a spiritual person, everything your Angel represents can be determined from that perspective. That means whatever perspective you’re coming from, and from the religious aspect, can determine whether that Angel is good or bad. Many can remember movies or shows that depicted angels on our shoulders. One whispering in one ear, the other one whispering in the other ear.

How you determine which one you’re going to listen to often reflects the values of life you have. If you are inherently a good person and have a positive attitude, then the angel giving you the most positive advice will be the one you listen to. But if you are a negative person and vacillate between questionable decisions, your response may be more negative. You need to decide which one is going to be the one you listen to.

From the perspective of a regular person, typically that person will do whatever is rewarded for their personal gain. From a spiritual aspect, the person will do whatever is right from a win-win perspective. Whichever one you decide you are going to be it must be consistent.

The Angels Around Us

The angels in your life will take on many forms and shapes. They may be things or people that you recognize or situations that you just happen to have to deal with. Again, your perspective will come into play as to how you react to the help your Angel is trying to give you. I mentioned earlier that help from angels does not always take physical or verbal form. Many times, it is what we observe, but unfortunately for many of us, we don’t take the time to view what’s going on around us.

We need to be better observers of the situations around us. We need to understand who our guardian angels are and what their actions are indicating to us. We need to observe all kinds of acts and try to reflect on those in the situations we are placed in. It is only in observation, reflection, and follow through that we utilize the wonderful aspects of what our angels are trying to get across to us.

Therefore, your challenge is to recognize what every situation or action is trying to tell you. To be aware of the hidden meaning of actions around you. Listen carefully to what people are saying. Not only to you but to those around you. And understand also, your conversations have far-reaching implications because you are an Angel in somebody’s life. That conversation or comment you are making to them or to someone in the vicinity is going to have an impact on any given situation they’re currently in. My hope is that you will take time after reading this and jot down the different angels that are interacting with you at any given time. That you take time to quietly go for a walk and just observe everything going on around you. Do this in nature and do this at the mall. Different voices are calling to you in different ways and you may be amazed at what you discover.

Who your Guardian Angel is and what they do: 10 things you should know

This guide, courtesy of Attitude Reality, aims to equip you with effective strategies to navigate the discovery of “you”. Visit the Fergusson Group for more resources and direction.