Life in Need of Discovery

So often, we look at our lives and wonder why we are where we are and what got us in this place. It is the wonder that creates the anxiety that we feel because of not being where we think we should be. Why is this different in every individual? Trying to keep up with someone else or doing something that is not who we are will not get us where we need to go. The reality of life is that it is diverse and if we don’t embrace diversity then we miss out on hearing him when I speak of diversity, I’m talking about all our options. The ability to see things from a different perspective, the choices we have yet aren’t realizing.

How many times have you looked at your life and wondered why you are here? You may have thought I have no way out, I’m in a box that has no exit. When those feelings exist, a person can become stuck in a never-ending cycle and that cycle is down not up. If you feel like you’re in a box, look around and inspect that box, what is holding you in? What you see may surprise you because many times it is YOU. You may think it’s a person or situation but believe me, each of these can be changed. The question is, are you committed to changing these issues? I know many times we think there’s no way out but let me tell you there’s always a way out. The way out is discovery!

Being open to discovery is a choice. We make choices every single day. These choices come from other people, places, spiritual guides, and most importantly from our spirit. We can choose the option that works for us in any situation. The question is, are we listening to ourselves? We are always having advice pumped into our heads, but we don’t listen to most of it. What we need to do is to listen to our other voices and eliminate the barriers that are preventing them from getting through.

The barriers are basically what we put on ourselves. We need help with relationship barriers, financial barriers, geographical barriers, or any other type of barrier that creeps up and tells us we can’t do something. I want to tell you that you can make changes. Not tomorrow but today. If you’re reading this and you’re saying it to yourself, I can’t do it go find somebody that can help you do it. That person will possess a few key qualities. One, they are very positive; two, they will hold you accountable; they will listen and not judge. Do you know someone like that?

“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.”  This is a quote from Francis Bacon. There are two ways to take this. One, a person needs to be creative in their discovery and be open to all opportunities. Two, a person must go through life with eyes wide open in search of the opportunities that present themselves. The journey to discovery can be fascinating and rewarding. Put your mind at ease and know that your treasure is waiting. 

If you feel like you need help or just another person to listen to, seek out The Fergusson Group and discover your Defining Moments. I will be the sounding board you may need to generate thoughts and life questions to start you on your journey.

Please subscribe to learn more in the link below! We look forward to your comments on our blogs.

Imagine a World….

I am so excited to discuss a new series I will be doing that will address many of the thoughts people have about issues that seem to trigger emotions in us or make us stop and ponder the reality of things.

It is an interesting time both nationally and internationally and how we get through this really depends upon us. We all have beliefs and attitudes that dictate who we are. How we share those beliefs and attitudes can also determine how we are perceived by others.

The values we hold dear personally are the ones that usually come through in good times and bad. Sometimes when our values are fragile, we move outside of ourselves and become someone we do not recognize. It is times like this that we need to hold strong to what we believe and, if we are not sure what we believe, we work to learn and better understand what we want and need. We also need to learn to discern what others want and need and how we can help them in that journey.

The title of this new series is “Imagine A World.” You can see that the keyword here, Imagine, means we are using our value system, our beliefs, and attitudes to weave into our imagination. That imagination in the world would make certain strengths universal and be good for all mankind.

Have you ever thought about a world without hate? How about a world where the main priority was looking out for your neighbor? In this politically charged environment, what would happen if people found common ground, if people listened to understand rather than talk to accuse or challenge? Is the world a place where loving someone is considered weak? Is it a place where being concerned for someone is a weakness?

This is a portion of the topics or questions that the new series will address. This series will be posted on YouTube and I will be anxious to see the comments that are generated from ideas that some may consider controversial and others perhaps just nod in agreement. I fully expect to get both sides and to read and listen to the rationale of each.

This series idea was generated from various events in conversations that have been ongoing. Being a Life Coach and a Christian, I walk an interesting line with people who may have different views and values than I do. One of the missing links is that we have not taken the time to reflect on the opinions of others or to take a step back and to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. So often we take our opinion and one way or another impose it on others without knowing their circumstances, needs, or desires.

My hope is that this series triggers some thought individually and between other people and that the conversation generated from it becomes a powerful tool for positive action.

The series will be located on YouTube at:

There will be a new segment every week. Please take time to comment and add your thoughts. This forum can be a valuable tool in strengthening personal experiences, relationships, and the building of a caring society.

Please subscribe to learn more in the column to the right! We look forward to your comments on our blogs.

Thoughts Trigger Perception but Define Reality

We go through life with all sorts of external issues defining who people think we are.  Growing up, I was very introverted but rarely get defined that way today; then, in my twenties I “blossomed” into a “me first” type of person.  It is funny how getting married and having kids can change all that.

I look back now and can’t remember a time when I actually thought about how my thoughts were defining me.  I seemed to be reacting to everything and everyone around me.  Do you ever have to assume a role to make sure people view you the way you want?  Let me explain.  I always want people to see me as a confident, professional and knowledgeable speaker.  The problem is, my thoughts don’t always synch with my action.

What this means to me is that I “assume” I don’t have the confidence, professionalism or knowledge that I want to exude but I know that my actions are going to give the impression  that I do.  So, the question is, since my thoughts are creating an external perception, aren’t they also creating a new reality in me?

Think about your own situation.  Who are you and who are you perceived to be?  Your thoughts can take various roads in defining who you are going to be.  Are you really the life of the party or is that a role you play?   Understand that, if you create this perception, people may assume this is who you are.

All of this comes down to knowing who you are and/or who you want to be.  I prefer to think of myself as reserved, private, kind, understanding, a good listener, etc.  So, when I go into situations that may deviate from those qualities, I have to consciously think about I should stay the course or assume a “role.”

Just understand that your thoughts define you, accurately or not!

Please subscribe to learn more in the column to the right! I look forward to your comments on our blogs.